Monday, March 31, 2014

The Walkers | 2.1.14

Our very first wedding of 2014 was one that I will never forget.  It was the absolute perfect way to kick off our year and I am so blessed that we got to witness Rachel and Andrew become Mr. and Mrs.  Rachel is one of the sweetest gals I know who is a friend to almost anyone.  What overwhelmed me most about the day was the love that was felt from Rachel and Andrew’s family and friends.  These people are loved and they love others so well.  From the moment I arrived in Rachel’s bridal suite, I knew it would be a special day.  Rachel was just so calm and happy and excited and it was captivating.  When all Rachel’s bridesmaids left for Rachel to put on her dress with the help of her sister and Mom, my heart started to burst.  You saw the Dillard girls and how they love.  And then when Rachel’s bridesmaids came back into the room... genuine tears from behind my camera.  You could see how much they truly love Rachel and their excitement for her was apparent.  

Once Rachel and Andrew had their first look, I knew it was going to be a precious day for these two.  The way Andrew looks at Rachel is so sweet and genuine.  There is so much love between that new husband and wife. 

Rachel and Andrew, thank you for letting us share in your joy.  We loved every second of February 1st.  Happy two months of marriage to you, Walkers!

Rachel+Andrew | film from 314 Productions on Vimeo.

Above all, wear love.
Colossians 3:14


Monday, January 6, 2014

a dream come true

I feel like I'm living someone else's life. Surely WE aren't really launching a website for OUR business! But, we are. I can't write this post without saying that God is good and He is good all the time, no matter what. This is something that He has so sweetly put together for us and it is and will continue to be a huge blessing in our lives. It's been incredible to see how He's been writing our 314 Productions story and placing people, circumstances, and dreams into our lives to prepare us for this. We are humbled, honored, and stinkin' excited to start this journey in 2014.

 We have some precious couples in 2014 that we are just beside ourselves to be working with. It's been thrilling to work with each and every one of you as you prepare for one of the greatest adventures of your lives.

 Our biggest hope for 314 Productions is that it would be a blessing to those we come in contact with. The engaged couple wanting to share their story, the bride and groom commiting their lives to one another, the Mama in labor with her first, second, or fifth baby. We want to be a blessing to you. We want to know your stories and love on you individually. We want to run our business in a way that puts you at ease and makes you feel like your day really IS as important as you feel it is. BECAUSE IT IS.

Life is precious and exhilirating and fleeting. We only experience this life once and we should live it fully. Experience it fully. Love fully. As you live, experience, and love in these moments I'm nearly jumping up and down that we get to live, experience, and love with you.

 We are the Coles. We are 314 Productions. We are so honored that you've shown up here today. To our brides, I already love you all. What beautiful, giddy, sweet brides you'll all make. BURSTING with excitement for you as you prepare for 2014. YOUR WEDDING YEAR. What sweet days are ahead. 

Here we are! 2014. We're ready to take you on. Love.

 Above all, wear love. Colossians 3:14
